File Detail Category Download
Rates of Remuneration of Contract Employees of State Government 01.06.2011
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Contract employment
The Government of Mizoram Regularisation of Contract Employees (Amendment) Scheme, 2011
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Contract employment
The Government of Mizroam Regularisation of Contract Employees Scheme, 2008
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Contract employment
Powerpoint Presentation on Results Framework Document
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Results Framework Document
Commencement of the Mizoram Right to Public Service Act, 2015
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Mizoram Right to Public Service Act, 2015
Notification of Revisional Authority under MRTPS Act, 2015
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Mizoram Right to Public Service Act, 2015
Notification of Public Services under MRTPS Act, 2015
| N/A
Mizoram Right to Public Service Act, 2015
Designation of Commissioner for PwD as Nodal Officer for monitoring of vacancies dt 18.06.2014
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Persons with disabilities
Minutes of Meeting w.r.t Strengthening of Service Delivery under MRTPS Act, 2015 dated 23.04.2018
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Mizoram Right to Public Service Act, 2015
eBook on Mizoram State Health Care Scheme
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Documentation of best practices
Powerpoint Presentation on Good Governance Initiatives and Challenges in Mizoram
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Miscellaneous under GGC
Sanction order under State Collaboration Initiative
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State Collaboration Initiative
Minutes of Meeting of Screening Committee dated 30.07.2015
| N/A
Documentation of best practices
eBook of Inventory Management System
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Documentation of best practices
eBook of eDistrict State Roll Out
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Documentation of best practices
eBook of Content Management System
| N/A
Documentation of best practices
PM Award for Excellence in Public Administration 2018
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Minutes of meeting on selection of initiatives for replication under National e-Governance Award dated 06.10.2015
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Minutes of Meeting for nomination under National e-Governance Award 27.08.2013
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Guidelines for State Govt. for Proposing Initiatives under State Collaborative Initiative Programmes
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State Collaboration Initiative
Constitution of Screening Committee on State Collaboration Initiative dt 07.12.2015
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State Collaboration Initiative
Guidelines for National Award for e-Governance
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Powerpoint Presentation on Mizoram Right to Public Services Act, 2015
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Mizoram Right to Public Service Act, 2015
Powerpoint Presentation on Citizen's Charter
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Citizens Charter
Format for Drafting Citizen's Charter dt. 09.07.2012
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Citizens Charter