Transfer and Posting of Mizoram Civil Service Officers under Govt. of Mizoram
- Cancellation of transfer order of Pu C.C.Lalchuangkima, MCS and transfer & posting of Pu Joseph H.Lalramsanga, w.e.f.31.03.2021
- Transfer & posting of 3(three) MCS Officers w.e.f. 01.07.2021
- Transfer & posting of Senior Grade and Junior Grade Officers, dt. 01.04.2021
- Allocation of additional charge in respect of Pi Zoramdini, Under Secretary, Finance(EA) Department dt. 03.12.2020
- Posting of Pi Saizikpuii as DRC, Silchar, dt.17.12.2020
- Transfer & posting of Pi B.Malsawmtluangi and Pu Lalneihthanga Colney, dt. 17.12.2020
- Transfer & posting of Pu K.Vanlalthiana and Pi Marilyn Rualzakhumthangi, dt. 17.12.2020
- Posting of Pi Saizikpuii as DRC, Silchar, dt.17.12.2020
- Transfer & posting of Pi B.Malsawmtluangi and Pu Lalneihthanga Colney, dt. 17.12.2020
- Transfer & posting of Pu K.Vanlalthiana and Pi Marilyn Rualzakhumthangi, dt. 17.12.2020
- Transfer & posting of Jr. Grade & Sr. Grade Officers, dt. 15.04.2021
- Allocation of posts of 2(two) Junior Grade of MCS Officers, dt. 29.01.2021
- Promotion and posting of Dr.Lalngura Tlau, MCS Dt 29.12.2021
- Partial modification of transfer & posting of IAS and MCS Officers, dt. 26.02.2021
- Allocation of additional charge to Pi C.Laltleipuii,SDO(S), Serchhip, dt.10.03.2021
- Divestment of Pi Rochuangkimi Khenglawt, Under Secretary, GAD dt. 11.03.2021
- Posting of Pu C.C. Lalchuangkima, MCS as Director, C&I Deptt., dt. 18.03.2021
- Allocation of additional charge to MCS Officers, dt. 18.03.2021
- Posting of Pu Vanlalmuana, MCS, SDC, Kolasib to SDC, Bairabi, dt. 15.03.2021
- Transfer and Posting of Senior Grade and Junior Grade of MCS 09.09.2021
- Promotion and Transfer of MCS Officers Dt 17.09.2021
- Transfer and Posting of MCS Officers dt 12.10.2021
- Transfer and Posting of IAS and MCS Officers Dt 30th July 2021
- Allocation of additional charge in respect of Pu Ngurthansanga,MCS, DUDO, Khawzawl dt. 01.11.2021
- Posting and Transfer of Senior Grade Officers of MCS Dt 16.11.2021
- Transfer order of Pu K.Lalrohlua,MCS
- Allocation of Additional Charge to Pu V.Lalengmawia,Joint Secretary DP&AR(CSW,ARW), Tourism Department dt.7.09.2023 (2)
- Promotion, Transfer and Posting of Pu Lalvenhima, MCS Dt 18.02.2022
- Transfer and posting of Pu Donny Lalruatsanga Dt 24.02.2022
- Allocation of additional charge to Pu Vanlalhmachhuana, ,MCS, SDO(Sadar), Mamit Dt 09.03.2022
- Appointment of Pu Beitlotha Nohro, MCS as Private Secretary Dt 09.03.2022
- Promotion and posting of Pu Zoremthara, Senior Grade of MCS to JAG Dt 31.03.2022
- Promotion of Junior Grade of MCS Officers to Senior Grade , Transfer and posting of various grades of MCS Dt 01.04.2022
- Allocation of Additional Charge to Pu V.Lalengmawia,Joint Secretary DP&AR(CSW,ARW), Tourism Department dt.7.09.2023 (2)
- Allocation of additional charge in respect of Pu Remlalliana Hnamte, MCS, Deputy Director, LR&S Dt 11.04.2022
- Allocation of additional charge in respect of Pu Robert C. Lalhmangaiha, MCS, Deputy Secretary,SAW, GAD Dt 11.04.2022
- Posting of Pu K.Laldingliana, Selection Grade of MCS to the post of Joint Secretary,Land Revenue & Settlement Department Dt13.04.2022
- Pu LalMuan Puia holding charge of DUDO, Kolasib 26.4.2022
- Promotion, Transfer and Posting of MCS Officers dt. 6.05.2022
- Transfer and Posting of Pu V. Lalengmawia, MCS as Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, UD&PA Department dt. 9.05.2022
- Transfer and Posting of MCS Officers of Senior Grade dt. 10.05.2022
- Transfer and Posting order of Pu Lalhriatpuia Supertime Grade B of MCS as Additional Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Home Department dt.29.06.2022
- Transfer and Posting order of Pu Beitlotha Nohro, Senior Grade of MCS dt.8.06.2022
- Appointment order of newly recruited Jr, Grade of MCS Officers dt.19.02.2024
- MCS Induction dt.21.6.2022
- Allocation of Additional Charge in respect of Pu Lalhriatpuia,MCS,Additional Secretary,Home Department & DM&R dt.28.07.2022
- Allocation of charge of Deputy Secretary,DP&AR (TRG) in respect of Pu Paul L Khuma MCS dt.5.07.2022
- Transfer & Posting of MCS Officers dt.12.7.2022
- Allocation of Additional charge to Pu Lalhriatpuia, MCS, Additional Secretary, Home Department dt.13.07.2022
- Transfer & Posting of MCS Officers dt.26.07.2022
- Allocation of Additional Charge in respect of Pu Lalhriatpuia,MCS,Additional Secretary,Home Department & DM&R dt.28.07.2022
- Transfer and Posting of MCS Officers Dt.2.08.2022
- Order kept in abeyance regarding the transfer and posting of 3(three) MCS Officers dt.2.08.2022
- Allocation of Additional Charge in respect of Pu Lalbiakfela MCS,Under Secretary,GAD(SAW) dt.8.8.2022
- Transfer and posting of MCS Officers dt.24.08.2022
- Transfer & Posting of MCS Officers dt.12.08.2022
- Promotion,Transfer & Posting of MCS Officers dt.7.09.2022
- Transfer and Posting of MCS Officers dt.9.09.2022
- Allocation of Additional Charge in respect of Pu Vanlalrova, MCS, Deputy Director,Sports & Youth Services Deptt dt.15.09.2022
- Allocation of additional charge to Pu Lalrinsanga Hnamte, S.O.&D.S.Y.O, Serchhip dt.03.10.2022
- Posting order of Pu Lalremruata Kullai, MCS, dt. 11.10.2022
- Appointment and Posting of Junior Grade of MCS Officers dt.28.10.2022
- Allocation of departments to Pu Joseph H.Lalramsanga MCS Supertime Grade B and Pu K Lalhmingliana MCS Supertime Grade B dt28.10.2022
- Transfer and posting order of Pi Rebecca Laladinmawii Hrahsel, MCS, SDO(C) Kawnpui to the post of DUDO, Kolasib dt. 15.11.2022
- Transfer and Posting of Pi Josephine Zonunsangi, MCS, Under Secretary H&FW to the post of Election Officer,Lawngtlai dt.22.11.2022
- Transfer and Posting Order of various JAG of MCS Officers to the Post of Project Director, District Rural Development Office
- Transfer & Posting order of Pu V.L. Remliana, MCS, Secretary, State Election Commission and Dr, Lalngura Tlau, MCS, Joint Secretary, AH& Vety Department dt. 30.11.2022
- Transfer and Posting order of Pi P.C. Zonuntluangi MCS, Deputy Director, DM&R Department and Allocation of Additional Charge (DLAO,Lunglei) to Pi Carolyn L.B Khiangte, MCS, DCSO, Lunglei
- Promotion, Transfer & Posting of 7(Seven) MCS Officers
- Promotion, Transfer & Posting of 7(Seven) MCS Officers dt.22.12.2022
- Transfer & Posting of Supertime Grade A of 4(Four) MCS Officers dt.17.01.2023
- Transfer & Posting of Supertime Grade B of 6(Six) MCS Officers dt.17.01.2023
- Transfer & Posting of 3(three) JAG of MCS Officers dt.22.12.2022
- Allocation of Additional Charge in respect of Pu Ngulzathuama, SDO(C) Kawrthah,BDO Zawlnuam dt.19.01.2023
- Transfer & Posting of Ten(10) MCS Officers and Allocation of Additional Charge to Three(3) MCS Officers dt.30.01.2023
- Transfer & Posting Order of MCS (Selction Grade) Officers dt.3.02.2023
- Allocation of department in respect of Pu Lalhriatpuia, MCS and Pu Kulothungan A, IAS and Transfer& Posting of four(4) MCS Officers dt.8.2.2023
- Transfer and Posting of Supertime A&B of 2(two) MCS Officers dt.13.02.2023
- Transfer & Posting of 8(Eight) MCS Officers dt.14.02.2023
- Transfer & Posting of 2(two) MCS Officers dt.16.03.2023
- Transfer & posting of MCS Officers (Selection Grade) dt. 31.03.2023
- Allocation of Additional Charge viz BDO, Zawlnuam to Pu Henry Malsawmtluanga, SDC, Mamit
- Transfer of Pi Lalhlimpuii Ralte, MCS SDO (C) Thenzawl to Deputy Commissioner, Serchhip upto 09.05.2023 Date 03.04.2023
- Pi S.T. Lalvensangi, MCS, SDO (S), shall hold the charge of Dist. DUDO,Mamit Date 05.04.2023
- Transfer & Posting of Pu V.Lalduhzuala, Junior Administrative Grade of MCS to Selection Grade of MCS
- Transfer & Posting of Pu V.Lalduhzuala, Junior Administrative Grade of MCS to Selection Grade of MCS
- Transfer & Posting of Pu V. Lalduhzuala, MCS, Joint Secretary, LR&S Department to Director, LR&S Department Dt. 12.4.2023
- Transfer & Posting of MCS Officers Dt.18.4.2023
- Order of Pi Rebecca Laldinmawii Hrahsel MCS, SDO(S), Serchhip shall hold charge of SDO(C), Thenzawl Dt.9.5.2023
- Appointment of Pu C.C. Lalchhuangkima, MCS to the post of Chief Executive Officer, Aizawl Smart City Limited dt.19.05.2023
- Allocation of Additional Charge to Pi Lalhlimpuii Ralte, MCS, DCSO, Lunglei dt.24.5.2023
- Transfer and Posting of Pu John Lalramhluna Hnamte, MCS, SDC, Lunglei to SDC, Aizawl dt.24.5.2023
- Allocation of Additional Charge to Pu Beitlotha Nohro, DTO, Lunglei and Pu Moses Lalfakawma Tlau, SDC, Champhai dt.25.5.2023
- Transfer & Posting of 11(eleven) MCS Officers of Senior Grade and Junior Grade dt.26.05.2023
- Transfer and Posting of Four (4) MCS Officers dt.31.5.2023
- Transfer & Posting of two (2) MCS Officers dt.2.6.2023
- Allocation of additional charge to Pu Vanlalchhuanawma Chawngthu, MCS, Project Director, DRDO Mamit dt.21.06.2023
- Transfer and Posting of IAS and MCS Officers dt.10.07.2023
- Allocation of additional charge to IAS and MCS Officers for the upcoming General Elections of MLA, 2023 dt.11.07.2023
- Allocation of Additional Charge to Pu V.Lalengmawia,Joint Secretary DP&AR(CSW,ARW), Tourism Department dt.7.09.2023 (2)
- Transfer order of Pu Lalrohlua, MCS dt. 02.08.2023
- Allocation of Additional Charge to Pi Lalchhanhimi, MCS, Asst Commissioner, Aizawl dt.7.8.2023
- Continuation of holding of additional charge of Pu H. Lianzela as Additional CEO, Mizoram dt.3.08.2023
- Posting of Pu Lalrohlua, JAG of MCS to Deputy Secretary, LR&S Department w.e.f 1.8.2023
- Allocation of Additional Charge to Pu Samuel Lalmalsawma Sailo, MCS, SDC, Lawngtlai dt.17.08.2023
- Allocation of Additional Charge to Pi Lalsangpuii Hmar, JS, AH&Vety dt.25.08.2023
- Allocation of Charge dt.07.09.2023
- Allocation of Additional Charge to Pu Lalrohlua MCS, Deputy Secretary, LR&S dt.11.09.2023
- Transfer & Posting of four(4) MCS Officers of various grades dt.14.09.2023
- Transfer & Posting of three(3) MCS Officers of Selection Grade dt.14.09.2023
- Transfer & Posting of IAS&MCS Officers dt.14.09.2023
- Allocation of Additional Charge to Pi Lalrinchhani Ralte, MCS dt.27.09.2023
- Allocation of Additional Charge to Pi Margaret Lalrinawmi Fanai, MCS, JD(OP), Transport dt.29.9.23
- Appointment of Minister PS Dt 12.12.2023
- Transfer & Posting of JAG and Senior Grade of MCS Officers dt.5.03.2024
- Transfer and Posting of Senior and Junior Grade of MCS dt.14.06.2024
- Transfer and Posting of JAG of MCS dt.14.06.2024
- Transfer and Posting Supertime A and B ,Selection Grade of MCS 14 June 2024
- Transfer and Posting of Junior Grade of MCS dt.21.06.2024
- Transfer and Posting of IAS and MCS dt.2.07.2024
- Transfer and Posting of Selection Grade and JAG of MCS dt.5.07.2024
- Appointment Pu Henry C. Lalrawnkima, JAG of MCS as Secretary, Mizoram State Sport Council dt.8.07.2024
- Transfer and Posting of Jr. Grade of MCS dt. 8.07.2024
- Promotion & Transfer of MCS Officers on Dt. 01.08.2024
- Transfer & Posting of MCS Officers - dt 3.09.2024
- Transfer & Posting of MCS Officers, JAG to Sr. Grade w.e.f. 03.09.2024
- Notification of Pu Gilbert Lalhlimpuia, MCS, BDO, Bungtlang South to hold additional charge of Sub-Deputy Commissioner, Lawngtlai w.e.f. 13.09.2024
- Notification of MCS Officers(JAG) to hold additional posts w.e.f. 13.09.2024
- Transfer & Posting of JAG Grade of MCS Officers w.e.f. 10.09.2024
- Order of Pu Lalhmunsanga Hnamte, MCS, Additional Secretary, (LR&S)(FCS&CA) to hold the charge of Additional Secretary, Home in addition to his normal duty without extra financial benefit.
- Allocation of Land Revenue & Settlement Department to Pu Vanlalmawia, MCS, Secretary, Home Department in addition to his normal duties w.e.f. 09.09.2024
- Transfer and posting of of IAS and MCS dT 25.11.2024
- Notification of transfer and posting of Various Grades of MCS w.e.f. dt. 18.02.2025