Promotion, Deputation and Pension of MCS Officers
- Promotion, Transfer and Posting of Pu Lalvenhima, MCS Dt 18.02.2022
- Promotion of Pu David Lalrinawma, Senior Grade of MCS to JAG on offiaciting basis in the level 12 of pay dt 23.03.2022
- Promotion and posting of Pu Zoremthara, Senior Grade of MCS to JAG Dt 31.03.2022
- Promotion of Junior Grade of MCS Officers to Senior Grade Dt 01.04.2022
- Promotion of Pi Ramdinliana, Pu Joseph Lalramsanga, Pi Vanlalruati and Pu V.Lalruatliana 26.4.2022
- Promotion, Transfer and Posting of MCS Officers dt. 6.05.2022
- Promotion of Pu V.L. Hruaizela Khiangte, Selection Grade to Supertime Grade B of MCS on officiating basis dt.15.09.2023
- Regularization of officiating promotion of MCS Officers dt.29.07.2022
- Regularization of officiating promotion of MCS Officers dt.19.05.2022
- Promotion of Pi C. Laltleipuii,Senior Grade of MCS to JAG on officiating basis dt.12.08.2022
- Promotion,Transfer & Posting of MCS Officers dt.7.09.2022
- Officiating Promotion of Pu Lalremruata Kullai, Senior Grade of MCS to Junior Administrative Grade of MCS dt.4.10.2022
- Deputation of Shri James Miahlung, JAG, MCS dt.27.10.2022
- Voluntary Retirement of Pu B. Lalchhawntluanga, MCS, Project Director, DRDO, Champhai w.e.f 31.01.2022
- Release Order of Pu B. Lalchhawntluanga, MCS, Project Director, DRDO, Champhai District w.e.f 31.01.2023 on Voluntary Retirement
- Promotion order of Supertime Grade 'B' of MCS Officers (4 Nos) to Supertime Grade 'A' dt. 19.12.2022
- Appointment of Pu R. Vanrengpuia, MCS, Junior Administrative Grade to the post of Deputy Secretary, State Election Commission on Deputation dt.21.12.2022
- Regularization of Officiating Promotion of Pu K. Lalhmingliana, MCS and Pu Lalsanglina, MCS dt. 10.01.2023
- Promotion, Transfer & Posting of 7(Seven) MCS Officers
- Promotion, Transfer & Posting of 7(Seven) MCS Officers dt.22.12.2022
- Promotion of 3(three) MCS Officers of Senior Grade to Junior Administrative Grade on officiating basis
- Release order of Pu R. Lalnghakliana, MCS, Project Director, DRDO, Kolasib District w.e.f 28.02.2023
- Promotion of Pu Lalrinzuala Senior Grade to Junior Grade of Mizoram Civil Service on officiating basis dt.17.02.2023
- Promotion of Pi Irene Zohlimpuii Chongthu, MCS, Supertime Grade 'B' of MCS dt.24.02.2023
- Transfer and Posting of 10(ten) MCS Officers and allocation of additional charge to 3(three) MCS Officers dt.30.01.2023
- Transfer and Posting of 4(Four) MCS Officers of Senior Grade dt.03.02.2023
- Transfer and Posting of 8(Eight) MCS Officers of various grades dt.14.02.2023
- Transfer and Posting of 45(forty five) MCS Officers of various grade dt.13.03.2023
- Transfer and Posting of 8(Eight) MCS Officers of Senior Grade dt.16.03.2023
- Promotion of Pu Lalrinawma, Senior Grade of MCS to Junior Administrative Grade on officiating basis dt.17.03.2023
- Promotion of Pu K. Laldingliana, Selection Grade of MCS to Supertime Grade 'B' Dt. 12.4.2023
- Encadrement of 1 post of Block Development Officer, Tlabung RD Block, RD Department to Junior Grade of MCS Dt.11.4.2023
- Promotion of Pi Lalsangpuii Hmar, Junior Administrative Grade of MCS to Selection Grade of MCS Dt. 18.4.2023
- Release order of Pu Zothanmawia, MCS, Municipal Commissioner, AMC Dt.30.4.2023
- Officiating Promotion order of Pi H. Lalchhandami, JAG of MCS to Selection Grade of MCS dt. 28.04.2023
- Promotion of Junior Grade of MCS to Senior Grade of MCS Dt.28.4.2023
- Promotion of Senior Grade of MCS to Junior Administrative Grade of MCS Dt.28.4.2023
- Promotion of Junior Grade of MCS to Senior Grade of MCS Dt.28.4.2023
- Promotion Pi H.Lalchhandami, Junior Administrative Grade of MCS to Selection Grade of MCS Dt.2.5.2023
- Promotion of Pu H.Lianzela Selection Grade to Supertime Grade 'B' of MCS dt. 14.06.2023
- Appointment of Pi Ethel Rothangpuii MCS to the post of Director, SIRD&PR on deputation basis dt.30.8.2023
- Release Order of Pu Vanlalhmachhuana, MCS Asst.CEO from his additional charge of Dy. Controller, P&S Deptt dt.
- Appointment of Pi C. Laltleipuii, MCS to the post of Director, Social Audit Unit, MISSAAT on deputation basis dt.1.9.2023
- Appointment of Pu Vanlaltanpuia Sr Grade of MCS to the post of Secretary, MLDB on deputation basis dt.4.05.2023
- Promotion of Pu Liansangzuala Chhakchhuak and Pu K. Vanlalthiana JAG to Selection Grade of MCS on officiating basis dt.15.09.2023
- Promotion of Pu V.L. Hruaizela Khiangte, Selection Grade to Supertime Grade B of MCS on officiating basis dt.15.09.2023
- Promotion of Pu Vanlaltanpuia and Pi B. Malsawmtluangi Senior Grade to JAG of MCS on officiating basis dt.15.9.2023
- Deputation Order of Pu Alan Lalthanzara, MCS dt.19.09.2023
- Relieve Order of Pu Lalrohlua, MCS from his charge of DS,LR&S dt.20.09.2023
- Officiating Promotion of JAG of MCS Officers to Selection Grade of MCS dt.28.12.2023
- Officiating Promotion of Selection Grade of MCS Officers to Super-time Grade 'B' of MCS dt.28.12.2023
- Allocation of Addl. charge to JAG of MCS Officers dt.5.01.2024
- Promotion of Pi C. Lalduhzuali, Sr Grade of MCS to JAG on officiating basis w.e.f. 3.09.2024
- Notification of promotion of Pi Lalrinchhani Ralte, Sr Grade of MCS to JAG of MCS on officiating basis w.e.f. Dt. 01.02.2025
- Notification of promotion of Pu Lalrohlua, JAG of MCS to Selection Grade of MCS on officiating basis w.e.f. Dt.01.02.2025
- Notification of promotion of Pu V.L. Remliana, Selection grade of MCS to Supertime Grade B of MCS on officiating basis w.e.f. dt.01.02.2025