Promotion, Pension & Deputation of Stenographer Service
- Extension of deputation period of Pi Lalrampari, Steno Grade-I, dt.15.09.2020
- Promotion of Pi Laltanveli, Steno Grade-II to Grade-I, dt. 18.03.2021
- Extension of deputation period of Pi Daphne Zosangpuii, Stenographer Grade-I, dt. 14.01.2021
- Release order of Pi Lalbiaknungi Sailo, Steno Sr. Grade-I from Govt. Service on Superannuation Pension w.e.f. 28.02.2021
- Promotion of Pi Kapliani Pachuau, Steno Grade-I to Sr. Grade-I, w.e.f. 01.03.2021
- Transfer and posting of Stenographers Grade-II & III dt.26.04.2022
- Promotion of Pi Lalrohlui Khiangte,Stenographer Grade-I,P.S to Engineer-in-Chief,PWD in Level-10(Rs.56,100-1,24,500) in the Pay Matrix
- Promotion of 4(four) Stenographer Grade III dt.26.04.2022
- Promotion of 2(two) Stenographer Grade-II dt.26.07.2022
- Promotion of Pi Rohlupuii, Stenographer Grade-I, P.S to AS,Finance Deptt (APF,PRU) wef 1.08.2022
- Extension of Deputation period in respect of Pi Lalrampari, Stenographer Grade-I dt.06.09.2022
- Promotion of 2 (two) Stenographer-II dt.14.09.2022
- Promotion of two(2) Stenographer-III dt.23.12.2022
- Officiating Promotion of Pi Lalthanzami, Stenographer-I P.S to Secretary, Art & Culture in Level-10 Pay Matrix dt.27.02.2023
- Promotion, Transfer & Posting of 2(two) Stenographers Grade-III dt.27.06.2023
- Extension of deputation period in respect of Pi Lalrampari, Stenographer-I dt.16.08.2023
- Promotion of Pi Lalhlimpuii, Stenographer-I to Sr. Grade of Mizoram Stenographer Service w.e.f01.09.2023
- Extension of Deputation period of Pi C. Lalrindiki Stenographer-II as Stenographer-I under Mizoram Lokayukta dt.11.9.2023
- Promotion of Stenographer Grade -III to Grade-II dt.8.07.2024
- Promotion of Pi Zorinsangi Stenographer Grade - I to Senior Grade
- Deputation of Pi Lalthankimi, Stenographer Grade-II to Mizoram Lokayukta as Stenographer Grade - I, P.S. to Chairperson, Mizoram Lokayukta
- Notification of promotion of Pi Lalthangpuii, Stenographer Grade-II, Sr. P.A. to Additional Resident Commissioner, Mizoram House, New Delhi to Stenographer Grade-I of Mizoram Stenographer Service w.e.f. Dt. 01.12.2024
- Notification of promotion of Pi Lalkhawngaihi, Stenographer Sr. Grade, P.P.S to Chief Secreaty, GoM to Stenographer Selection Grade of Mizoram Stenographer Service w.e.f. Dt. 01.12.2024
- Notification of promotion of Pi Vankungpuii, Stenographer Grade-I P.S. to Secretary, P&PI,LESDE,UD&PA to Stenographer Sr. Grade of MIzoram Stenographer Service w.e.f. Dt. 01.12.2024
- Promotion of Pi Lalbuatsaihi, Stenographer Grade II, P.A. to DC, Serchhip District to the post of Stenographer Grade II w.e.f. Dt. 01.12.2024
- Transfer and posting of Stenographers w.e.f. dt. 11.03.2025