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Temporary Suspension of Para 13 of the Mizoram Direct Recruitment(Conduct of Examination) Guidelines, 2018 for recruitment of MR Drivers under SAD dt. 20.08.2018
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Relaxation of Rules
One-Time Relaxation of essential qualification of the Mizoram Driver Recruitment Rules, 2009 for regularization of Ravinder Singh, Driver Gr-III under GAD in Mizoram House, New Delhi dt. 16.08.2018
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Relaxation of Rules
One-Time Relaxation of Mizoram Engineering Service Rules for absorbtion of Pu R. Lalthanzawnam AE (Mech) to Junior Grade of MES (Public Works Cadre)(Mechanical Wing) dt. 14.08.2018
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Relaxation of Rules
Discontinuation of MACPS 2010 dt. 27.08.2018
Discontinuation of MACPS 2010 dt. 27.08.2018 | N/A
Assured Career Progression Scheme
Posting of Pi Ngursangzuali Sailo, Superintendent, Dte. of Forensic Laboratory as Superintendent at MIMER dt.13.08.2018
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Transfer, Posting and Promotion
One-Time Relaxation of essential qualification of the Mizoram Ministerial Service Rules, 2011 in favour of Pi Zirtluangi, MR LDC under Agriculture (CH) Department for consideration of her regularization dt. 13.08.2018
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Relaxation of Rules
One-Time Relaxation of eligibility conditions of the Mizoram Ministerial Service Rules, 2011 in favour of 3(three) MR LDCs under EF&CC Department for consideration of their regularization dt. 08.08.2018
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Relaxation of Rules
One-Time Relaxation of eligibility conditions of the Mizoram Group D posts Recruitment Rules, 2016 in favour of 6 (six) MR Group D Employees under EF&CC Department dt. 08.08.2018
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Relaxation of Rules
Transfer and Posting of IPS Officers dt.08.08.2018
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Transfer, Posting and Promotion
Temporary suspension of the provisions of Mizoram Direct Recruitment (Conduct & Examination) Guidelines, 2018 as measure for the purpose of recruitment in MIMER dt. 07.08.2018
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Relaxation of Rules
Relaxation of MES Rules, 2013 for the purpose of absorption dt. 14.08.2018
Relaxation of MES Rules, 2013 dt. 14.08.2018 for the purpose of absorption of Er. Lalthanzawna, AE (Mechanical), AH&Vety Department to the Junior Grade of MES in PW Cadre (Mechanical Wing) | N/A
Relaxation of Rules
Appointment of Pu Lalhriatpuia, Selection Grade of MCS as Controller of Examination, MPSC dt. 8.08.2018
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Transfer, Posting and Promotion
Posting of Junior Grade of MCS Officers as Settlement Officers dt. 8.08.2018
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Transfer, Posting and Promotion
Promotion of Assistants to Junior Grade of MSS through Seniority Promotion dt. 7.08.2018
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Transfer, Posting and Promotion
Promotion of Mizoram Secretariat Service (MSS) Officers from Junior Grade to Senior Grade dt. 6.08.2018
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Transfer, Posting and Promotion
Regularization of officiating proforma promotion of Pu C. Vanlalhruaia to Senior Grade of MSS dt 6.08.2018
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Transfer, Posting and Promotion
Link arrangement of Secretaries under Govt. of Mizoram 30.05.2018
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Miscellaneous under CSW
Attachment of Officers to the office of the Chief Electoral Officer, Mizoram 3.08.2018
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Miscellaneous under CSW
Promotion of Assistants to Junior Grade of MSS through Limited Departmental Examination 31.07.2018
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Transfer, Posting and Promotion
Promotion of Pu T. Lalduhawma to Junior Grade of MSS dt. 31.07.2018
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Transfer, Posting and Promotion
Relaxation of Mizoram Inforamtion Service Rules, 2007 in favor of Pu David L. Thangliana for his promotion from JAG to Selection Grade of Mizoram Information Service dt. 31.07.2018
Relaxation of Mizoram Inforamtion Service Rules, 2007 in favor of Pu David L. Thangliana for his promotion from JAG to Selection Grade of Mizoram Information Service dt. 31.07.2018 | N/A
Transfer, Posting and Promotion
The Mizoram Direct Recruitment (Conduct of Examination) Guidelines, 2018
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Direct recruitment
OM on proper maintenance of inter-se-seniority list of MR Employees dated 19.02.2016
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Muster Roll engagement
OM on matters relating to Contract and Muster Roll Employees dated 28.06.2016
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Muster Roll engagement
OM on matters relating to Contract and Muster Roll Employees dated 28.06.2016
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Contract employment