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ncadrement of 1(one) post of Secretary to Govt. of Mizoram for Mizoram Police Service dt. 07.06.2019
ncadrement of 1(one) post of Secretary to Govt. of Mizoram for Mizoram Police Service dt. 07.06.2019 | N/A
Creation and filling up of post
Transfer and Posting of MCS Officers dt. 04.06.2019
Transfer and Posting of MCS Officers dt. 04.06.2019 | N/A
Transfer, Posting and Promotion
Appointment and Posting of Junior Grade of MCS Officers dt. 04.06.2019
Appointment and Posting of Junior Grade of MCS Officers dt. 04.06.2019 | N/A
Transfer, Posting and Promotion
Transfer and Posting of MSS Officers dt.03.06.2019
| N/A
Transfer, Posting and Promotion
Superannuation Pension of Pu Vanlalrawna DD CE(Roads), PWD dt. 31.05.2019
Superannuation Pension of Pu Vanlalrawna DD CE(Roads), PWD dt. 31.05.2019 | N/A
Transfer, Posting and Promotion
Posting of Pu K. Rohmingthanga, MCS as OSD under SAD dt. 27.05.2019
Posting of Pu K. Rohmingthanga, MCS as OSD under SAD dt. 27.05.2019 | N/A
Transfer, Posting and Promotion
Transfer and Posting of IAS Officers dt.31.05.2019
Transfer and Posting of IAS Officers dt.31.05.2019 | N/A
Transfer, Posting and Promotion
Transfer & Posting of MCS Officers dt. 30.05.2019
Transfer & Posting of MCS Officers dt. 30.05.2019 | N/A
Transfer, Posting and Promotion
Adoption of Rules/Schemes under Govt. of Mizoram by Sinlung Hills Council dt. 30.05.2019
Adoption of Rules/Schemes under Govt. of Mizoram by Sinlung Hills Council dt. 30.05.2019 | N/A
Miscellaneous under GSW
Relaxation of the Mizoram Health & Family Welfare Deptt (Group A) Recruitment Rules, 2013 for promotion of Pi Lalchhanhimi to Principal, MCON
Relaxation of the Mizoram Health & Family Welfare Deptt (Group A) Recruitment Rules, 2013 for promotion of Pi Lalchhanhimi to Principal, MCON | N/A
Relaxation of Rules
Mizoram Works Accounts Service Association (MWASA)
Mizoram Works Accounts Service Association (MWASA) | N/A
Recognition of Service Association
One Time Relaxation of length of Service under rule 17 of the Mizoram Police Service Rules, 2008 in favor of Pu Lalthiamsanga Sailo and Pu C. Lalruaia, both JAG of Mizoram Police Service dt. 16.04.2019
One Time Relaxation of length of Service under rule 17 of the Mizoram Police Service Rules, 2008 in favor of Pu Lalthiamsanga Sailo and Pu C. Lalruaia, both JAG of Mizoram Police Service dt. 16.04.2019 | N/A
Relaxation of Rules
Office Memorandum on Guidelines on Noting and File Management dt. 15.04.2019
Office Memorandum on Guidelines on Noting and File Management dt. 15.04.2019 | N/A
Office procedure
Encadrement of 1 (one) post of Deputy Director and 1 (one) post of Assistant Director to Grade-II and Grade-III of the Mizoram Health Service (AYUSH Sub-Cadre) respectively dt. 03.04.2019
Encadrement of 1 (one) post of Deputy Director and 1 (one) post of Assistant Director to Grade-II and Grade-III of the Mizoram Health Service (AYUSH Sub-Cadre) respectively dt. 03.04.2019 | N/A
Recruitment Rules
One Time Relaxation of the MHS Rules,2009 and the Mizoram Group 'A','B','C' post Service-Recruitment (Amendment) Rules,2016 for purpose of Recruitment of 1 post of Medical Officer of MHS(AYUSH Sub-Cadre) dt.02.04.2019
| N/A
Relaxation of Rules
Suspension of Provision of the Mizoram Direct Recruitment (Conduct of Examination) Guidelines, 2018 for Direct Recruitment under MIMER
Suspension of the Operation of the provisions of Para 4(2) and 13(1) of the the Mizoram Direct Recruitment (Conduct of Examination) Guidelines, 2018 for the purpose of direct recruitment of the posts of faculty and residents only in Mizoram Institute of Medical Education and Research (MIMER) | N/A
Recruitment Rules
Extension of timeline for submission of nomination for Chief Minister's Award for Excellence in Public Administration dt. 26.03.2019
Extension of timeline for submission of nomination for Chief Minister's Award for Excellence in Public Administration dt. 26.03.2019 | N/A
Transfer and Posting of 3 (Three) IAS Officers under Govt. of Mizoram dt.06.03.2019
| N/A
Transfer, Posting and Promotion
Allocation of Departments to 4 Secretaries under Govt. of Mizoram dt. 28.02.2019
| N/A
Transfer, Posting and Promotion
Posting of Pu Ajay Chaudhry, IPS as Resident Commissioner, Mizoram House, New Delhi dt. 28.02.2019
| N/A
Transfer, Posting and Promotion
Re-employment of Pu C. Lalhuliana, MSS (Retd.) as Consultant and ex-officio Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department dt. 04.03.2019
| N/A
Transfer, Posting and Promotion
Regularization of Officiating Promotion of Pi R. Lalmuankimi to Junior Administrative Grade of MSS dt.04.02.2019
| N/A
Transfer, Posting and Promotion
Regularization of Officiating Promotion of Pu C. Lalsangkhuma to Selection Grade of MSS dt.04.02.2019
| N/A
Transfer, Posting and Promotion
Reemployment of Pu Lalmalsawma, MF&AS (Rtd.) as Secretary, Govt. of Mizoram for a period of 3 (Three) months dt. 27.02.2019
| N/A
Transfer, Posting and Promotion
Repatriation of Dr. Thangzadinga to his parent department dt.22.02.2019
Repatriation of Dr. Thangzadinga to his parent department dt.22.02.2019 | N/A
Transfer, Posting and Promotion