Selection Committee Meeting (SCM) under the chairmanship of Smt. Sujata Mehta, IFS (Rtd), Member, UPSC for promotion of Mizoram Forest Service (MFS) officers to Indian Forest Service (IFS) and Mizoram Police Service (MPS) officers to Indian Police Service (IPS) will be held at Aizawl on 14.08.2018
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Selection Committee Meeting (SCM) under UPSC for promotion of MFS to IFS and MPS to IPS to be held at Aizawl on 14.08.2018
What's New
- Notification of promotion of Pu Vanlalthlamuana, Selection Grade of MAS to Supertime Grade B of MAS i.e. Director, A&FWD w.e.f. 01.04.2025
- Notificatin of release of Pu Madhup Vyas, IAS(AGMUT;2000), CEO, Mizoram from his duty to join his new post as DEC, ECI w.e.f. dt. 27.03.2025
- Notification of repatriation of Pu Lalramsanga Sailo, IRS(2008) to his parent cadre w.e.f. dt. 31.03.2025
- Notification in respect of Pi Zoramthangi, DS, AH&Vety Department to take additional charge of DS, DP&AR(ARW) w.e.f. dt. 01.04.2025
- Notification of promotion of Pu Lalrinpuia Ralte, Jr Grade of MSS, Jr Analyst, DP&AR(ARW) to Sr Grade of MSS on officiating basis w.e.f. dt. 01.04.2025
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