The Department of Agricultuurre and Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculturee,, Government of India has taken measures to promoot te the use of technology to enhance the agricicultural sector. In this regard, various technology prromotion schemes have been introduced by t hthe government under the Tenth Five-Year Plan. Agrgriculture Resources Information System Neettwork (AGRISNET) is one such mission mode prro oject envisaged to be a comprehensive kknowledge portal to disseminate relevant informaattion to farmers. The goal is to follow an all--inclusive approach in terms of ensuring technologiccal connectivity, development of system softwtware and provision of hardware at agriculture deppartment offices up to the block level in aall States and Union Territories.
Various states have implemeennted AGRISNET, but this best practice docuc umentation highlights the state of Tamil Nadu for itsts success achieved in a short period of time. BBy leveraging existing resources, the Department off Agriculture was able to overcome the financncial and technological complexities of implementingg the project. Funds from multiple governmeennt schemes were used to set up basic infrastructuree in agricultural offices. A separate technicaall team of officers was also established to avoid bureea aucratic delays.
Despite a large proportion off farmers with low literacy levels and minimamal IT skills, 33 percent of 80 lakh farmers in the Staatte are using the content available on the poortal. The government has been able to accomplish tht his by following an inclusive and demand baased approac